
Dear New Members,

We sincerely thank you for your trust to China Association of Foreign Service Trades (CAFST). CAFST board sends our best wishes to you, and warmly welcome you joining CAFST.

Founded in 1989, CAFST is a non government organization which represents more than 160 enterprises engaged in human resources service nationwide. We are committed to serving our members, representing your business interests and promoting the development of human resources service industry in China. We also strive to facilitate and enhance communications and interactions between government authorities and our members. It is our goal to bring our members in-depth insight on human resources service industry in China.

We value your expertise, experiences and knowledge on the industry and you will be invited to participate in our activities in the future and share them with other CAFST’s members.

We wish that you enjoy the time you spend as a member of CAFST. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

 Best Wishes, I remain

 Sincerely yours      

HUA Tianhong,Secretary General of CAFST


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