the 8th CIETT Northeast Asia Regional Meeting was held in Seoul
The 8th CIETT Northeast Asia Regional Conference was held in Seoul on October 25th, 2013. Nearly 50 representatives from China Association of Foreign Service Trades (CAFST), Japan Staffing Services Association (JASSA), and Korea Human Resource Service Industry Association (KOSA) participated the meeting. On the one-day meeting, President Mr. Sang-Cheol Lee, President of KOSA, Chang-Woo Nam, Secretary General of KOSA, Mr. Takashi Ienaka, President of JASSA and Mr. Fan Jinsheng, Secretary General of CAFST made a speech and presentation respectively, concerning the labor dispatch market status and the latest amendment to work dispatch Act in each country. Ms. Yukiko Nagashima, CIETT Northeast Asia Region Representative also made a presentation titled by Information about Major Activities of CIETT. Through the meeting, all the participants have a better understanding with respect to of the labor market situation and impact to labor market by changes of work dispatch law . The three associations reached agreement on the relevant issues and entered into a document,Seoul Consensus. The CIETT Northeast Asia Conference is regular meeting which is held once a year and hosted by KOSA, JASSA and CAFST in turn. CAFST will host the next meeting in 2014.
From left, Mr. Takashi Ienaka, Mr. FAN Jinsheng, Mr. Sang-Cheol Lee, andMs. Yukiko Nagashima signed ‘Seoul Consensus’